Sunday, February 27, 2011

Pass On a Good Book!

On Wednesday, the Corinna School is having their Family Literacy Night.  The gym will be packed with families and friends to share in activities around books and writing.  One of the traditions that has evolved over the past few years is the Book Swap.  The book swap is in the center of the gym and tables are put together to lay out hundreds of books that have been donated by community member.  Inside the books are placed a small label that says:  Family Literacy Night, Pass On a Good Book!  Each child that participates in the Family Literacy Night can choose a book to take home with them.  The truly wonderful thing that has happened is there is a culture about sharing good books in our community.

Throughout the year, students and families stop by the Title 1 room to drop off books for the Book Swap.  When I talk with students about the books they like, titles are discuss and which ones should they give to the book swap.  There is nothing more fun that pawing through a sea of books in search of your next read.

Come and join us on Wednesday, March 2nd (Dr. Seuss' Birthday!) as we celebrate Family Literacy Night at the Corinna School.  The event will be held in the gym from 5:30 - 6:30 and there will be fun family activities!


Kim Oldenburgh said...

This sounds fun. I love the idea of the book swap. I haven't checked out the ole' blogs for quite a while-I see you are still at it! I loved your little story about the woodpile. That's so true, we are always talking about the wood in our shed and how high/low the pile is. Our neighbor came over and snowshoed with us last weekend and guess what he had a question about-the woodpile!

Kate said...

How did the book swap go? Isn't that what we do informally with friends when we've read a great book? I can't wait for you to read this---
Yes, the woodpile. Ours shrank away and we're not working on next year's pile. It's fun to talk about weather and woodpiles - the read stuff.
Thanks for your poem. It gave me a new perspective on galls - and the ending, the escape hatch, was such a fine surprise! More, more!